Lead climbing is the third most usual form of climbing in a gym. When you lead climb the climber wears a harness tied to one end of the rope.The belayer is clipped in to part of the rope aswell. The climber climbs up the wall, and has to clip the rope into things that are on the wall called quickdraws. If they are outdoor climbing they would probably have to clip the quickdraws into the wall themselves, instead of them already being there. While the climber is climbing up the wall the belayer is feeding them slack, so that they can keep climbing without the rope holding them back. When a belayer is feeding you slack that means that they are feeding the rope through their belaying device. When they feed rope through their device you get slack in the rope. That means that the rope isn't tight, so that it doesn't hold the climber back. The belayer has to be careful though, because they don't want to give you too much slack, or you might fall really low. WHen you are lead climbing since the rope isn't clipped to the top of the wall you fall down. You don't just stay where you are hanging on a rope like you would when you are on top rope. At any point on the climb, when you fall you would fall at least twice the distance of where you had most recently clipped into a quickdraw